Becoming a Radionic Practitioner

The School of Radionics: diploma courses for aspiring practitionersAll kinds of people decide to study to become radionic practitioners.  You may have been inspired by the qualities and expertise of your own practitioner.  You may have had radionic treatment which has changed your life, or know of someone else for whom it has made an enormous difference.  You may be a professional in another field interested in changing direction in your work life or extending your present career.  Studying radionics can be exciting and rewarding, contributing to personal as well as professional development.

The School of Radionics knows the importance of a good education in radionic practice and has worked for many years with many of the courses which provide an education and training in becoming a radionic practitioner.  If you are looking for a career change or an in-depth professional education in radionics you will want to investigate seriously the courses available.

TrainingTraining course information & an overview of the Healing Education Trust

Training for the examinations of The Radionic Association is provided by the School of Radionics and all of these courses are approved by the Association.

Please visit our ‘Courses & Events’ page for more information on our forthcoming training courses, including Dowsing, Introduction to Radionics and Diploma in Radionics.

For persons already practising radionics, or who have undergone other trainings in radionics and wish to be considered for our Qualified Member category you may apply as detailed in Article 8 of our Memorandum and Articles of Association.  Please contact us to discuss this further and to obtain an application pack.


The Healing Education Trust (Registered Charity No. 328253)

The Healing Education Trust was founded in 1989 to advance education in branches of healing already established by the Radionic Association. Donations are needed by the Trust to provide seminars, lectures and training courses, bursaries for students and educational literature. All communications concerning the Trust should be addressed to the Secretary at Baerlein House.