Diploma in Radionics (Human treatments)
Course Information:
The Diploma course follows on from attending the Introduction to Radionics Course and has six further terms of six months with study days (two per year, September and April), plus support and regular online tuition with a personal tutor during term time. The total length of study for the Diploma qualification is three years.
Eligibility: Applicants should be at least 21 years of age and have passed English at GSCE level or equivalent. It is also a requirement that you have knowledge of Anatomy and Physiology. Tuition can be arranged through the School. An ITEC A & P qualification or GSCE Human Biology is acceptable. It is also a requirement to become an Associate Member of The Radionic Association.
Diploma course content:
This builds on knowledge gained during the Introduction to Radionics course, and includes:
- A deeper understanding of the analysis procedure, tying in subtle anatomy with physical conditions
- The use of colours in radionics
- Giving treatments via the chakras and other structures of subtle anatomy
- The use of gems and crystals in radionics
- The esoteric causes of disease and other conditions
- Homeopathy and miasms in relation to radionics
- Using flower essences, symbols and patterns in radionic work
- A study of the seven rays as based on the work by Alice Bailey
- Elements and Ethers
- An understanding of the cranial nerves
- The nature of consciousness and the healing intent
- Radionics as an environmentally-friendly healing modality
- Practical aspects of running a practice, etc.
After 18 months of study (3 terms, which includes the Introduction to Radionics course) students are awarded Licentiate status after successful presentation of their portfolio, after which they may take on patients in accordance the the Associations recommendation.
After completion of a satisfactory further 18 months Licentiates will present their final portfolio and upon the success of their presentation, be awarded a Diploma from the School of Radionics entitling them to apply for full Membership of the Radionic Association.
Click here to view the School Prospectus.
Please refer to the last page of the Prospectus, link above, to view the current Diploma course fees.
Initially you will need a small Digital Instrument at £30 (Pictured right). Later there will be a further choice of instruments.
Various types of instruments are available to purchase at a later stage, depending on personal preference. Please click this link to view these instruments.
You will be advised on your likely required commitments of time and finance during the Introduction to Radionics Course.
Professional indemnity insurance is provided for both students and Licentiates through the Radionic Association.
To apply, or for more information, contact the secretary at or telephone +44 (0)1869 338852.
Click here for Introduction to Radionics Course details