About Us
The Radionic Association aims to promote the practice of radionics as an honourable and skilled profession, to foster research into the science of radionics and to provide a centre for the collection and dissemination of information.
The Association is directed by a Council which meets four times a year and the office is based in Baerlein House, Deddington, Oxfordshire.
We publish the Radionic Journal which is supplied free of charge to all members and maintain a lending library of over 1000 titles. We also supply a Register of Practising Members for those seeking radionic treatment.
The School of Radionics is operated by our School Development Team and we have students from all over the world. We know the importance of a good education in radionic practice and have worked for many years with many of the courses which provide an education and training in becoming a radionic practitioner. If you are looking for a career change or an in-depth professional education in radionics you will want to investigate seriously the courses available.
Please visit our Radionic Training page for more information on our forthcoming training courses, including Dowsing, Introduction to Radionics course, and Diploma in Radionics.
The Healing Education Trust
The Healing Education Trust (Registered Charity No. 328253) was founded in 1989 to advance education in branches of healing already established by the Radionic Association. Donations are needed by the Trust to provide seminars, lectures and training courses, bursaries for students and educational literature. All communications concerning the Trust should be addressed to the Secretary at Baerlein House.
Memorandum and Articles of Association
Our Memorandum & Articles of Association can be accessed by clicking the link below.
The Radionic Association is affiliated to the Confederation of Healing Organisations (CHO). Members adhere to a strict code of conduct.